Sunday, May 23, 2010

驚訝 ! Grey's Anatomy Season 6 finale

Meredith: For most people, the hospital is a scary place. A hostile place. A place where bad things happen. Most people would prefer church, or school, or home, but I grew up here. While my mom was on rounds, I learned to read in the OR gallery, I played in the morgue, I coloured with crayons on old ER charts. Hospital was my church, my school, my home; hospital was my safe place, my sanctuary. I love it here. Correction: loved it here.

Grey's Anatomy season finale S23 "Sanctuary" 和 S24 "Death and All His Friends" 是整個series 以來最讓我看得心驚膽跳的兩集。爲什麽會這樣呢? 就要從之前幾集說起。

有一位病人因腦死亡被院長Shepherd勒令解除救生儀器。病人老公Clark 無助的看著這事情發生, 雖然醫生Hunt一直反對這解除令, 但院長Shepherd還是一意孤行。


Dr Reed和Dr Charles這兩個新角色就被一槍給打死了。Dr Reed 被headshot時我還沒那麽緊張, 但Dr Charles 死時就有點可悲。

Mandy Moore也有在這season finale 裏插一腳, 表現相當亮眼。

整部戯有些爭議的地方,但這兩集我覺得還是整個Grey's 裏最好的Season Finale.
比season5 season finale (George 被撞, Izzie 癌症)更有張力。



殺人犯, Gary Clark



美女Mandy Moore

Season 6 Finale promo.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

cute cat toy

souvenir from colleague

Sunday, May 2, 2010

G hotel lobby

TEst iPhone apps

- Ahlok @ iphone

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Jetty, Ferry, Ajinoren

After watch the Ica Kacang Puppy Love,
we decided to go back to Jetty for outing.

2010-05-01 @ Jetty

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Casting at Kuala Gula

Last weekend, I join my Fisherzone members went to Kuala Gula for fishing.
We use all deep swim lures - Rapala Glass Shap Rap to casting.
Luckily got catch 1 fish else malu gila....
Here are some photos :

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

my hometown house

Just finish renovated, I clean it up with my bro til the CNY eve... damn tired for this year CNY....

hoho... DA LI

my dog-puppy

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